Nagaraja Sridhar, M.D.

Why did you decide to go into medicine?
I found it to be competitive, intense and interesting
Favorite place to visit:
Bangalore, India
Favorite guilty pleasure:
Member of BMG Since:
Board Certifications:
Internal Medicine and Nephrology
MBBS from St. John’s Medical College in Bangalore, India; MD from Government Medical College, Bellary, India
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) at the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Special Training:
Internal Medicine Residency Training at Government Medical College in Bellary, India, Internal Medicine Specialty Training at Mount Carmel Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Hospital Affiliations:
Buffalo General Medical Center, Kaleida Health Hospitals, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Erie County Medical Center
Other Affiliations:
Fellow of the American College of Physicians, Member of the American Society of Nephrology, the American Transplantation Society, Robert Berkson Award for Teaching and Clinical Excellence; Carter Pannell Award for Teaching, University at Buffalo
Authored and Co-authored Many Research Articles and Abstracts for Medical Journals and Publications
Areas of Interest:
Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid-base Balance; Transplantation Immuno-biology; Dialysis; and General Nephrology
If you think Dr. Sridhar would be a good fit, call 716.857.8607 to schedule an appointment.