BMG News & Updates - October 2017
Avoid Food Allergy Scares This Halloween
By Buffalo Medical Group | October 27 2017 | Doctor Tips
Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to food allergies. Buffalo Medical Group allergist Dr. Roland Honeine shared his easy and effective tips on how to help your child reduce their risk of allergic reactions and enjoy Halloween this year.
Read moreColonoscopies: The Who, What, Where & When
By Buffalo Medical Group | October 17 2017 | Doctor Tips
Getting a colonoscopy can be intimidating for many patients, but it's not as bad as many would think. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) recommends screening for the average risk patient beginning at age 50. However, there are circumstances where screening begins earlier depending on you or your family's medical history, which your primary care doctor can help you determine.
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