BMG News & Updates - March 2019
Chronic Kidney Disease – What You Need to Know
By Buffalo Medical Group | March 14 2019 | Doctor Tips
March 14th is World Kidney Day - a day dedicated to bringing awareness to the importance our kidneys play in our overall health, and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease. Chronic Kidney Disease, or CKD, is reported to impact 1 in 7 US adults, which is almost 30 million people.* Despite these high numbers, over 90% of adults with kidney damage or mildly reduced kidney function are not aware they have CKD.*
What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
Restoring your Quality of Life – Understanding Fecal Incontinence
By Buffalo Medical Group | March 11 2019 | Doctor Tips
If you suffer from Fecal Incontinence, you may not even know it. You may know you’ve been suffering from digestive issues or that your quality of life has diminished. You may feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, or concerned to leave your house and participate in social activities. But, you may not know that what you’re feeling and experiencing is a common, and treatable medical condition.
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