Tips to Protect your Skin
By Buffalo Medical Group | July 1 2019 | Doctor Tips
July marks UV Safety Awareness Month, and while we all love to soak up the sun it is important to keep in mind the damages that harmful rays can do to your skin.
Tips to Protect Your Skin:
- Cover Up by wearing a wide brimmed hat that will keep your face and neck covered, and even proper clothing that will help protect against a painful sunburn.
- Using the Right Sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher, and that is water resistant. Make sure you are reapplying every two hours while outside.
- Applying the Correct Amount of Sunscreen by using at least one ounce (enough to fill a shot glass) a few minutes before going outside.
- Limiting Your Sun Time by seeking shade and avoiding staying in the sun long periods of time. Between the hours of 10 am – 3 pm is when the ultraviolet rays are most intense.
Buffalo Medical Group has a full team of board-certified dermatologists, as well as dermatology physician assistants. Learn more about our dermatology team today!