Better Sleep = Better Health – Tips for Better Sleep
By Buffalo Medical Group | October 16 2023 | Uncategorized
Sleep experts recommend that adults get seven hours or more of sleep per night. A third of US adults report that they regularly get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Not getting enough sleep has been linked with many chronic diseases and conditions—such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression—that threaten our health.
Other side effects of not getting enough sleep can lead to motor vehicle crashes and mistakes at work, which can cause injuries and lead to disability. Getting enough sleep should not be a luxury—it is something people need for good health. Sleep disorders can also increase a person’s risk of health problems. These disorders can be diagnosed and treated, and bring relief to those who suffer from them.
Sleep and Chronic Disease
As chronic diseases have developed an increasing role in premature death and illness, interest in the role of sleep health in the development and management of chronic diseases has grown. Insufficient sleep has been linked to the development and management of a number of chronic conditions:
Research has found that insufficient sleep is linked to an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes. Sleep duration and quality have emerged as predictors of levels of Hemoglobin A1c, an important measurement of blood sugar control. Recent research suggests that optimizing sleep duration and quality may be an important means of improving blood sugar control.
Cardiovascular Disease
Persons with sleep apnea are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. These include conditions like; high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and irregular heartbeats, have been found to be more common among those with sleep disorders. Sleep apnea and hardening of the arteries appear to share some common characteristics, and that sleep apnea may be an important predictor of cardiovascular disease.2
Research has found that short sleep duration results in changes that may be linked to obesity. Studies have also revealed an association between shortened sleep duration and excess body weight.
The relationship between sleep and depression is multi-faceted. While sleep disruptive has long been held as an important symptom of depression, research has indicated that depressive symptoms may decrease once sufficient sleep is restored. The relationship between sleep and depression suggests it is important that the sleep sufficiency of persons with depression be assessed and that symptoms of depression be monitored among persons with a sleep disorder.
Habits to Improve Your Sleep
· Be consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends.
· Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature.
· Remove electronic devices such as TVs, computers, and phones from the bedroom.
· Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
· Do not use tobacco.
· Get some exercise. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.
Sleep Apnea
Snoring may be more than just an annoying habit – it may be a sign of sleep apnea. Persons with sleep apnea make periodic gasping or “snorting” noises when their sleep is momentarily disrupted. Those with sleep apnea may also experience excessive daytime drowsiness, as their sleep is commonly interrupted and may not feel restorative. Treatment of sleep apnea is dependent on its cause. If other medical problems are present, such as congestive heart failure or nasal obstruction, sleep apnea may be resolved with treatment of these conditions. Sleep apnea is commonly diagnosed by conducting a monitored sleep study.
Vigel Varkey, M.D. is a primary care provider, board certified in internal medicine and is accepting new patients. Schedule an appointment at 716.656.4581.