Finding a treatment to help Chronic Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis patients
By Buffalo Medical Group | December 2 2019 | Doctor Tips
Do you suffer from Chronic Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis? If so, the clinical trial offered by board-certified dermatologist, Robert Kalb, MD, may be able to help you. We understand these conditions can be painful, uncomfortable or embarrassing. It’s our goal find treatments and solutions to these conditions to improve the quality of life of those suffering.
Who is a good candidate for the clinical trial?
In order to qualify for the trial, you must have a clear diagnosis of moderate to severe Atopic Dermatitis for a minimum of two years, and 18 years of age or older.
What does the trial entail?
The Chronic Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis Trial involves an injectable medication that works to reduce and control symptoms of these conditions. Because this is a clinical trial, patients will be randomized to receive either the study drug or a placebo.
By conducting studies such as this, we’re able to find treatments that make a substantial difference in patients who suffer from these conditions, with limited side effects. Each patient will participate in the trial for 16-32 weeks.
Do you need to come into the office often to participate in the study?
Patients take home a small electronic device to track their skin daily to closely monitor any changes that occur, without having to come into the office on a frequent basis.
We do require patients to come into the office roughly once a month so Dr. Robert Kalb is able to see progress and changes in person, as well as address any concerns, and monitor other skin conditions.
What happens if you want to participate in the trial, but currently are under the care of another dermatologist?
If you have an established relationship with another dermatologist, inside or outside Buffalo Medical Group, you typically are still eligible to participate in the trial! The office of Dr. Robert Kalb will contact your current dermatologist, and ensure they are comfortable with you participating in the trial. We also keep your dermatologist informed and up-to-date on your treatments and care.
While you are participating in the trial, Dr. Robert Kalb will take over all of your dermatological care. Once the trial is complete, your care will be resumed by your regular dermatologist.
How do you find out if you’d be a good candidate for the trial?
If you’re interested in learning more, or finding out of the Chronic Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis trial is the right fit for you, call 716-630-1487.
Learn more about Dr. Robert Kalb, board-certified dermatologist. The office of Dr. Robert Kalb is located at 325 Essjay Road, in Williamsville.